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A global marketplace platform, becoming the No.1 destination to explore fashion, sportswear items, homeware essentials and luxury cosmetics. We began supporting this client because they had one main objective:

  • They need to generate revenue to fund marketing initiatives to mitigate the effects of media inflation
    and rising costs.
kitchen utensils and tools

How we did it: 

  •  We integrated our post-transaction monetization solution into the order confirmation page of the partners’ eCommerce site, which gave customers the opportunity to join our

Key Outcomes: 

  • Boosted financial performance with a significant secondary revenue contribution at zero cost
  • Drove growth through re-investment of secondary revenue into marketing initiatives
  • Seamlessly integrated post-transaction with no disruption to the customer journey
  • Drove repeat transactions through market-leading cashback offers

"The ability to identify a partner as a secondary revenue stream has opened up a completely new strategy for the business, allowing us to reinvest funds into marketing at times of media inflation and increased competition"

CEO, Online Marketplace

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